Sunday, July 1, 2012


When I was younger, I was pretty satisfied with my life. I didn’t dwell too much on thoughts of other places, and I was very comfortable at home. It wasn’t until I entered high school and developed a curiosity about the world that I realized how much I wanted to see and learn and do. I dreamed for an adventurous life, filled with fun, laughter and the joy of achieving high goals. However, as I grew older I realized that my life had revolved around doing what my family wanted me to do rather than me doing the things I wanted to do. I wanted to make everyone proud and happy, but by doing that I was ignoring who I really am and making myself unhappy.

I fell in love with writing when I entered high school. I had always enjoyed writing, but when I was younger I mostly just made up stories and read them to myself. However, as a teenager I wrote to alleviate my stress and ease my troubles. It was my outlet and my escape from the awkwardness of high school and adolescence. I knew from my freshman year that I wanted to pursue writing, but I knew my parents would nag at me to aim for a more "honorable" career. As a result, I am a year away from college and I still have no idea who I am or what I want to do with my life.

All these thoughts occurred to me as I was packing my suitcase. I realized that I am seventeen-years-old, a year away from college, and still an ignorant child unaware of how the world truly works. I have been protected and sheltered my entire life. Whenever I had a major problem, I got advice from my sisters or my parents. When I was sick, my mom would nurse me back to health. However, when I go to Vanderbilt I will be completely on my own. The thought is daunting and it made me feel alone, but it was also a relief in a way. This trip is more than just a school trip; it is an opportunity for me to grow and discover who I am. I know that I will come back a more informed young woman ready for college and ready to face the world.

1 comment:

  1. Narges,

    When I read your words here I had visions of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. I see that you are entering a new world and even when you return things will never be the same for you again.

    Parents like to have some control over their children. They like to protect them and to guide them. These are both good things but there comes a time when every parent needs to come to grips with the fact that their child is becoming a person of her own where she not only gets to choose the direction she’ll be going but she HAS to choose that direction.

    Parents can still provide guidance but, as tough as it might be, they need to understand that they can’t control you forever.

    What I’ve just written sounds good in theory but in real life some parents never relinquish the control they want. I wish you luck in finding the balance you need.

    And when your parents start talking about an “honorable” profession, you might mention J. K. Rawlings--the author of the Harry Potter books. She only became a billionaire because of the books she wrote. But aside from the money, she made millions of people happy with her writings. Isn’t this an honorable thing? (and the money never hurts)
